The Lingnan Library2Go! is a mobile application developed in-house by Lingnan University Fong Sum Wood Library.
Functions include:
1. Search Library Catalogue: Provide a one-stop search interface to the Lingnan Library Catalogue.
2. MyRecord: Check your Library record.
3. PCs Available: Show real-time figures of unoccupied PCs in the Library.
4. New Books: Display a monthly list of new book additions to Lingnan University Library.
5. New AV & Others: Show a monthly list of new audio-visual material added to the Library collection.
6. Library Notices: Access to latest Library news and notices.
7. Opening Hours: Enable you to check the Library opening hours.
8. Contact Us: Contact various Library sections at a glance via the direct linking of email and phone number.
9. Chat With Librarian: Access the Library Chat Reference Service.
10. Guides@LU: Access to subject guides and useful resources complied by the Library.
11. Library Facebook: Link to the Librarys Facebook page to receive the latest news.